IPD assists you in establishing trade relations in Europe
Our offer
With more than 500 million potential buyers, the European market is one of the most profitable trading centres in the world. Tens of thousands of companies, tour operators, wholesalers and importers are constantly on the lookout for new, premium-quality products.
For you as a small or medium-sized enterprise from one of our partner countries, entering the lucrative European market is now a whole lot easier.
Import Promotion Desk (IPD) brokers contact to suitable trade partners. We support you in your export business to Europe.
We have the expertise and the communication channels to your new business partners. Reap some of these benefits:
- Comprehensive preparation for the European market – neutral, competent and cost-optimised
- Information and contacts to a large network of importers and tour operators in Europe
- Increasing your international market presence
Your direct link to the german business world
IPD is an initiative of the Federation of German Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Services (BGA) and sequa gGmbH – the development organisation of German industry.
On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) we assist companies in our partner countries in entering the European market, so that they are enabled to increase their innovative capacity, generate added value and improve their competitive position internationally. By these means we contribute towards strengthening the economic structures in our partner countries.
Import Promotion Desk is one of the programmes offered by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to promote collaboration with actors in the private sector.
As of January 2024, all programmes will operate under the umbrella brand Partners in Transformation. This new title emphasises the partnership between the private sector and development cooperation, with the shared goal of achieving a social and environmental transformation in BMZ’s partner countries.
The programmes work with companies, trade unions, chambers of commerce, associations and other interest groups.
Find out more at Privatwirtschaft | BMZ (German only)